Across Technology is a family owned Australian business with a proven record of client service since 1998.
Professional Computer Services for SMB and SOHO. We offer both on-site and remote support at reasonable rates. Apple and PC, Desktop, Laptop, Mobile, Tablet, Phablet Repairs. File, Photo & Data Recovery. Computer Servicing in Central Victoria made easy. No booking required, please call to ensure we are in the office. 27 Years in Business! On-site Services may incur a call-out fee.
Australian family owned and operated since 1998, servicing Acheron , Alexandra , Broadford , Castella , Caveat , Flowerdale , Ghin Ghin , Glenburn , Hilldene , Kerrisdale , Kinglake , Kinglake Central , Kinglake West , Limestone , Molesworth , Murrindindi , Puckapunyal , Seymour , Strath Creek , Taggerty , Tarcombe , Terip Terip , Toolangi , Trawool , Whanregarwen , Whiteheads Creek , Yarck , Yea

At Across Technology we will:
  • treat everyone fairly.
  • be honest, forthright and impartial in dealings with our clients.
  • act with professional responsibility and integrity in our dealings with clients and employees.
  • work competently and diligently for our clients.
  • be honest in our representations of skills, knowledge, services and products.
  • endeavour to preserve the integrity, confidentiality and security of the information of others.
  • respect the proprietary nature of the information of others.
  • endeavour to provide products and services which match the operational and financial needs of our clients.
  • advise our client of any potential conflicts of interest should they arise.
  • accept responsibility for our work.
  • advise our clients when we believe a proposed project is not in the client's best interest.
  • not knowingly mislead a client or potential client as to the suitability of a product or service.
  • give opinions which are, as far as possible, unbiased and objective.
  • consider and respect peoples privacy which might be affected by our work.
  • continue to improve our knowledge and skills.
  • not knowingly engage in dishonest or fraudulent practices.
  • not attempt to enhance our reputation at the expense of anothers' reputation.
If you are suffering from Ransomware and are ready to try to get your own files back, download the decrypter by clicking on the link to the left.
Remember, we are here to help!

Open: 10am to 5pm Mon-Fri. After hours service is available by appointment, please call to arrange a time.
Please note: Across Technology records all calls to better serve you.